Thursday, October 24, 2019

American Republic Test Review

Below you will find a summary of the review for the upcoming American Republic Test, which will take place on Friday, November 1, 2019.

Format - 5 points - Multiple Choice, 17 points - Matching, 33 points - Short Answer (4 questions) 

American Republic Test Topic Breakdown

Republican Government Structure

·      Legislative Branch – Congress
·      Executive Branch – President, Cabinet & Government Agencies
·      Judicial Branch – Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, District


·      Parallels between structure of British parliamentary system and American Republicanism
·      Differences in power of federal government in US vs. British model
·      The British theory of balance in the body politic vs. American accountability and differences in perception regarding the role of government in society

Function (i.e. How a bill becomes a law)

·      Requirement for bill to be passed by both houses
·      Requirement for bill to go through committee (sometimes several)
·      The Process – Introduced, referred to committee, committee hearing, tabling, reported out, calendared, floor reading, debate and amendments, role of conference committee, engrossed bill vs. enrolled bill  
·      Importance of bipartisanship and compromise
·      Veto and overriding veto

Elections, Terms and Responsibilities

·      Term of office for congressman, senator, president
·      Number of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate
·      Role of President as Head of State as well as leader of the Executive Branch
·      Role of the Vice President in the legislative process
·      Rationale for terms of office as outlined
·      Representation by population, equal representation and rationale for each
·      The electoral college  - structure, rationale, role of electors

Checks and Balances

·      Between Legislative Branch and Executive Branch
     Between Executive Branch and Judicial Branch
     Between Judicial Branch and Legislative Branch